A little piece of the tail of a 1957 Buick. It's hard to tell from the reference photo I had, but I think this car had been hit somewhere in the rear causing an odd looking shift in direction for certain parts. Or, I guess it's possible that at such an isolated view some things just look like they fit together quite right.
A portrait in ink. I've found myself doing many more portraits and figures over the past few months. So, the handful of regular visitors to the blog will be seeing more people in my art than cars or landscapes if you haven't already. I am, however, trying to remedy that at least on the landscape side. We'll see how that works out.
I don't post a lot of drawings or sketches - mainly because most of them are very rough value sketches for watercolor paintings. But, some end up getting finished as pretty decent little drawings in their own right. This one finished up a lot better than most.
Something left over from a couple months ago that never got posted. I have another winter scene to post. I might wait until it's much hotter for a little juxtaposition.