watercolor, 2018
available, 11"x15"
Convertible red muscle cars are always popular. I've started experimenting with shooting my paintings with my dslr instead of scanning them. The gradients and color are better. But, I'm still struggling with even lighting and getting the paper as white as it should be.
watercolor, 2018
available, 11"x15"
Just a little still life. I really like how the can surface and reflections turned out.
watercolor, 2018
available, 11"x15"
An old Jeep in a barn. What could be better?
watercolor, 2018
available, 11"x15"
Just a little figure with a bit of a backstory. That's a little dry watercolor crayon adding texture to the wall.
watercolor, 2018
available, 11"x15"
I couldn't resist juxtaposing a rusting out hulk of rolling sculpture that's only about 70 years old against the still-chugging steam locomotive that's probably well over 100 years old in the background. There are a couple issues here, but everything pales in comparison to how well that smoke turned out.
The title is from Sam Raimi's mid-90s Western. I thought it was appropriate.