Thursday, March 12, 2015

Corner Store - gouache

gouache, 2015
original available, 11"x15" $125

      This is a piece that was finished the day before my recent inner ear trouble began. It took a few days to get it scanned and uploaded since I was out of commission for more than a week.


  1. I really like this snapshot of life painting Anthony - it draws you in and makes you wonder what is round the corner or back along the street a bit. love it.

  2. Wonderful corner store. Awesome job.

  3. wonderful, but hope you feel better soon.

  4. I love the way the vibrant yellow & blue of the building, and the bright blue of the sky work with the more muted tones in the painting! (And, your handling of the gouache is beautiful.)
    I hope your ear is feeling better.

  5. Impressive the stop sign in there too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. that touch of yellow is striking

    much love...

  7. Gorgeous - I love paintings like this - just a place you pass on the road is how I see it. Love the dreamy style you use. Hope your inner ear trouble is better - I was at one time an audiologist and saw the effects of the dizziness, etc. Not fun

  8. The (rusty?) side of the upstairs building drew me in (call me odd;-)... and then my eye followd the power lines, down to the stop sign and back to the building, this time the yellow wall. Excellent movement of the eye you accomplished!

  9. Beautiful work! Those bright spots of color are fantastic.

  10. LOVE this Anthony... love the roof and the shadow we see on the pavement. The telephone pole too... composition is gorgeous, as are the colours. Sorry to hear about your ear problems. Hoping it doesn't keep you from painting too often.
