Just a quick, loose painting of something I saw every day growing up and still see once or twice a week. This fence post denotes the edge of my parents' back yard. The field beyond used to pasture a beautiful white horse when I was very young. Once the horse was gone, the fencing fell into disrepair and has looked like this for at least 40 years.
St. Anne's is a picturesque, old church in the eastern part of North Carolina. I wasn't too sure about this one until after I scanned it. I like it more now than I did before. But I still might try it again to add some more air around it. I think it's a little too crowded.
A street scene in Rockport, ME, another I found for Virtual Paintout this month. I'm very happy with this one. I hit just about all the notes for which I was aiming. This is very much the loose impressionism I've been struggling to develop. I'm not even going to mention the minor problems that usually fill these posts.
This one went a lot darker than it should have. But, it turned into a study in pulling out all the stops and using all the tricks to save a failed painting. And, I'm still not crazy about it.